Winter Seems to Last Forever

It’s April 1st and Winter doesn’t want to give way to Spring. So on April 1st we woke up to a little over a foot of snow in the western burbs of the Twin Cities. We normally get a decent amount of snow here in Minnesota, but this recent snow storm has brought us snow like you get in the mountains of Ca.

I use to be a huge fan of winter. In fact I would be out and about more in the winter than in the summer. But in my old age, I’ve become less and less interested in doing that and find winter to be at odds with my current physical abilities. Unfortunately as I’m getting older, my body is really starting to let me know how much we don’t like winter

. The arthritis seems to be worsening with each passing year. I know I should probably take much better care of myself too. Change up my diet and ( do I dare say it) exercise more. Amongst other health issues has me a little on edge with over exerting my body and heart. But we only live once right? It’s just a matter of getting out and doing it.

. I have been thinking more and more about spending time in Arizona during the winter months. This wouldn’t be a permanent move, it would be from January 1st to April 1st. I would love to spend late winter and early spring photographing the Arizona Desert! But until I can actually afford to do this, it’s just a pipe dream. Oh well, instead of calling it a pipe dream, I’ll just call it a goal!

Hopefully spring is on its way back! I mean it has to be right? We shall see.

Have a beautiful spring my friends and I’m looking forward to see you out and about this spring/Summer.
