Water Over The Damn

I’ve always been that guy if everyone is saying this is the cool thing or this what’s up, I immediately do the opposite. I wasn’t always this way, I too use to desire to be at the “Cool Kids Lunch Table”. I even made it to that table. After many years of being at that table, I came to find that it’s not as cool as it looks.

You see, at that table there is zero loyalty. You call everyone at that table your “ Brother” or “Family”. When in reality you’re the furthest thing from either of those things. You’re not loyal nor are you family. You’re merely a group of gossip girls/guys, ( Yeah, guys Gossip too”).

Now before you think I’m standing on a soapbox, I’m 100% guilty of this. I’ve gossiped and I guarantee people gossiped about me. ( I probably deserved some of it too). It’s a hurtful feeling knowing people and friends speak ill of you, and to think I’ve made someone feel this way. I am ashamed of myself and my actions for doing so.

I found the only way I found any peace was by turning to God and surrendering my life and choosing to follow Jesus Christ! I realized I am a sinner ( by nature ie born this way) repented of my sin nature and I CHOSE to FOLLOW CHRIST! I say it twice is because it is a choice. I’ll talk more about that in later posts. Once I did that, I learned how to forgive, I learned to forgive because when you forgive someone, Jesus removes all that hate and anger for whoever wronged and just takes it away. So when you forgive someone, it’s for your benefit.

So my advice it to Choose to follow to you is, take a real personal evaluation of yourself and be honest. You can’t lie to God, He already knows. Surrender yourself to God and Choose to Follow Christ! It’s not an easy journey, but soon you’ll realize that all the BS in life, Jesus will make it “ Like Water Over The Damn”.